Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Isness and Contemplative Knowing


Isness & Happening & Knowing

Contemplative Initiatory Reflections ~ 2

Apr 30, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

Splash Down

Out of the Silence
I come to Know the Truth
and Love Her

I am that I am in Myself, for God is that God is within God's Self - the two expressions of "in" meaning "as." The differentiation is that my isness arises - though this cannot convey the truth - from the isness of God, even as the isness of God is prior to the being of God. God happens - and Christ, or the Son, is this happening - for God is - and the Father happens as the Son, not as the Father -, and my happening enters into the happening of God, I being a happening of God - as is every created thing. The one Soul, or Life, is particularized into my own depths seeking Home and rest in Love. In this makes sense the paradoxical saying, "Alone with the alone." Yet, this alone is not alone in the sense of apart from others, but in the Alone is alone with all in a Oneness before differentiation. In the Alone, or silent Godhead, is no entrance of separation, though the Alone is the Source of all distinction through the creativity and fruitive expression of Life. Also, here applies the saying, "I knew you before I knew you," or "I knew you before I met you," so recognition of others from a prior Oneness before otherness, though you had never met the person before in-distinction, or time. So, in knowing God, I know you, and in knowing you, I know God, for this knowing is not a knowing in-distinction, but prior to distinction. We each, in ourselves, are an expression of God in-distinction, both from God and all others; in God, we are already the isnness that is God's isness. To know you, then, in God is to love you, but in Love this loving is prior to sensible feelings or expressions of Love; so, in time, I love you for I love you - Love giving rise to love-, and this Love is God-in-expression as Christ, animated and grounded in the fruitive presence of Grace, or holy Spirit. Yet, in some sense, all the words here are intimations, for even words like "God," "Father," "Son," "holy Spirit," ... are in-distinction, and reveal and conceal the Truth. From Oneness we learn how to see through the words, as well as see without them, the second seeing, then, slowly transforming the first seeing. And in this is loving, for, consquently, Love is progressively freed by a silent confession that how I think and speak the Truth may be both as true and false as how the other does. And, in this, is true that the Truth frees us, and the in-distinction expressions of Truth are not the Truth and cannot limit the Truth, while there may be logically more helpful and accurate expressions than other expressions, for all thought and speech is at varied degrees commensurate with Truth. This is why great sages of varied religious traditions have taught wisely that we come to know by being drawn by Grace into not-knowing, so that my release of the felt-need to know Truth opens to a receptivity to know Truth. I cannot know in my isness, but only, then, in the isness of God's Self, and this isness is God, or the silent Godhead prior to all words referring to an Absolute Being.

Sound of Silence

*Move cursor over pictures for photographer and title. Lotus of the Heart is given by a Hospice Chaplain, who offers this Work to encourage in a spiritual, inclusive life to embody and encourage peace among all, as each is an expression of one Grace, a single, sacred Life.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > The Isness and Contemplative Knowing

©Brian Wilcox 2024